Saturday, December 4, 2010

Editing the editing process.

Out of desperation, I begged Bridget to come out to dinner with me so I could talk through my frustration at not being able to figure out where to start. This rewrite will be me pretty much rewriting the whole freaking Drunk novel which is a daunting task in many aspects, the least of which I haven't been doing much writing. I blame extreme nerves and laziness which has caused me to freeze up and be able to do anything but stare at the Word file and wish for it to be done. So B and I went out to noodles and she sat and ate while I started talking through the book, voicing my own thoughts on weaknesses and holes and such, with her occasionally interjecting her own opinion. It... was... FABULOUS! Exactly what I needed to get the juices going. So far I haven't had time this week to do more than put down the brainstorming session in a file and add to it, but I think I finally can start! B also was stuck on one of her own projects, and I got to return the favor by letting her bounce ideas off of me until -voila- she also unstuck herself! Tomorrow will be another noodle meetup, but this time with computers. Let's see if I can get the first scene rewritten without having a major panic attack!

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