Saturday, March 26, 2011

Writing Marathon

I've been writing all day and it seems like the end is not in sight. Matter of fact, the end seems to be no nearer than it was yesterday. Ah well, at least it's close. I can taste it...

Friday, March 25, 2011

Back from the Writing Dead

At least that's what it feels like. After reading various blogs about making yourself sit down and DO IT, that's exactly what I did. And it worked. I'm back writing.

What a glorious feeling.

I'm trying a different way of how I work on a project. The story I'm working on I've had outlined for quite a while. I've started and stopped it so many times because for whatever reason writing it all the way through has been horribly difficult. I wanted to get to the "good parts" and get them out, but kept denying myself. When I realized that wasn't working, I decided to let myself go for it. I have the outline, after all. Why not write what I want to write and go back and complete the rest? So far this strategy seems to be working well for me. The beginning is written, some middle parts are sketched out and ready for fill in, and the end is almost complete. I can't decide of the ending is going to be dark and a little scary or more light-hearted than I usually write. We'll see how it goes. I plan on completing the end by Sunday (maybe even tonight!) then going back and working on the middle.

I'd like to say the story will be complete by next week but I'm thinking it will be more like the end of April. The story involves a blogger, so the next part will be making blog entries like she would be doing. Most won't make it into the story but I think it's an important part of filling out the character in my head and will make the middle section go smoother.

Another note: in a few weeks I'll be turning 35 and obviously my goal for this blog was not accomplished. Am I sad? Yes. Am I irritated with myself? Not really. Should I be? Probably. I made a goal and I did not make it, and I don't feel like I put the effort in to make the goal happen. This was all on me. But I'm going to continue with this blog (and not change it to PublishedBy36) and keep going with my goals. Small steps seem to work better for me, and right now that small step is getting a few more stories finished and polishing up the one that is done.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Today's Practice of Self-Discipline brought to you by...

Great article on the benefits of plotting a story BEFORE you get into the meat of this. In my own writing, I tend to write the first 30 pages on pure creative steam. Then I... slowly... get... bogged... down. If it hadn't been for outlining, I would have never finished the first draft of my novel. Currently I'm working on plotting a story I came back to and was surprised to find halfway decent. This is my reintroduction into self-discipline. After this, I will outline the second draft of the novel. Secondary character sketches will also be included in this.

Urgh! When did writing become *work*?

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

How Not to Starve and Die as a Writer

"Let’s assume, however falsely, that two types of fishermen exist in the world. The first identifies as a fisherman when he is asked, “What do you do in your spare time?” The second identifies as a fishermen when he is asked, “What do you do for a living?” Nothing fundamentally wrong with either answer. But each answer says something different about each type of fisherman.

Ask yourself the same question about being a writer. Is it a spare time thing? Or is this an, “I want to do this for a living” thing? Sounds obvious, but if you’re in the hobbyist camp, no harm, no foul to you, but this post probably isn’t for you."